called Anedotos or Idotion, in the reign of Amenon, the fourth king of Babylon another in that of the fifth king and the last, called Odacon (or Ho Dagon), apparently the Phoenician Dagon, under the sixth. Five such monsters are said to have come out of the Persian Gulf: one. Such is the account of him preserved by Berosus and Apollodorus. Oannes had a human voice, and instructed men in the use of letters and in all the principal arts and sciences of civilization, which he communicated to them. He lived among men during the daytime, without, however, taking any food, and retired at sunset to the sea from which he had emerged. He is described as having the head and body of a fish, to which were added a human head and feet under the fish's head and at the tail. Oannes the name of a Babylonian god, who, in the first year of the foundation of Babylon, is said to have come out of the Persian Gulf, or the old Erythtaean Sea, adjoining Babylon.